Building Briefs – July 10th

  • Cruden releases final properties at Abbey Gardens development

Cruden Homes has released the final seven properties at its Abbey Gardens development near Musselburgh.

Building Briefs – July 10th

The homes will be ready to move in to from early 2021, with the exception of one ‘Roxburgh’ house type which will be ready in October this year. Cruden Homes is also offering buyers the option to take advantage of their popular Guaranteed Buyer and Assisted Move initiatives.


  • Musselburgh flood protection scheme survey works to re-start

The proposed timetable for this project Musselburgh flood protection scheme has been modified due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The approval earlier in 2020 included the next phase of project which is the outline design for the preferred flood protection scheme for the town, and also agreement to seek additional external funding for this major infrastructure project.

A project board meeting has agreed that the conclusion of the Outline Design work will be by July 2021 rather than the original proposed date of December 2020.


  • Councillors approve over £67K for Sutherland projects

At the first meeting of The Highland Council’s Sutherland county committee since COVID-19 lockdown, local councillors met virtually online and approved two Dornoch Common Good Fund applications exceeding £67,000 which will directly benefit the local area.

Members approved £27,365 to Dornoch Heritage SCIO for the second phase of the Historylinks Museum extension project; and £39,760 to Dornoch Area Community Interest Company (DACIC) for the first phase (40 car and 6 coach space) parking works of their Project Curlew Masterplan which will see the transformation of the former Dornoch slaughterhouse site – subject to match funding. The DACIC parking project is part of a larger 5-phased project to bring the long-derelict site into community ownership and different use. When completed it will include a community centre, curling rink, multi-use games area, and a golf driving range.


  • Miller Homes employees do their bit to support community in times of crisis

Two employees of Miller Homes have been upping their charity efforts to support members of the NHS and the community over recent months.

Michael Smith, a business analyst with Miller Homes Group IT team, has turned his unique hobby of 3D printing and joined with other 3D printer hobbyists from around the country to create protective headbands to attach masks to for key workers.

Meanwhile, Greig Anderson, regional production director for Miller Homes developments in the West of Scotland, has received a commendation from the British Red Cross for the work he has carried out to help raise over £100k for the charity.

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