Building Briefs - June 3rd

  • Housebuilder helps residents enjoy the good life

Mactaggart & Mickel is helping people find their feet, and their green fingers as the popularity of gardening and growing vegetables has exploded, thanks to a partnership with Goody Foody Gardens.

Building Briefs - June 3rd

Laura Molloy, founder of Goody Foody Gardens

The idea of owning a thriving veg patch and just nipping out the back door to pick some lettuce, maybe some onions, possibly a few herbs is the dream for so many, with over 3 million people in the UK taking up gardening over the last year. However, with an overwhelming amount of information available on what to plant, where to plant it and all the expertise that goes into achieving results, getting started can seem an impossible task.

Taking the mental and physical load off is Goody Foody Gardens who provide vegetable growing boxes for beginners. Their expert team delivers and installs ‘build-anywhere’ starter kits with everything needed to grow vegetables in any garden, including a wooden raised bed, soil, plug plants and seeds, and accessories. 

Encouraging sustainability and inspiring people to grow food at home, Mactaggart & Mickel has installed Goody Foody Gardens’ veg boxes at its showhomes at Lethington Gardens in Haddington, Greenan Views in Doonfoot and Stewart Gardens in Newton Mearns, showing house buyers and their clients that the good life can be for anyone.


  • Plans for new flats in Bathgate

An application has been launched to build flats and a hot food takeaway in Bathgate.

West Lothian Council validated a proposal to convert the existing ground floor shop into a takeaway and the office space upstairs into flats.

The unit at 25 and 27 North Bridge Street, Bathgate, sits next door to Dominos and was previously operated as a Cash for Clothes shop.

The developer said that there has been a lot of interest already from people looking to lease out the takeaway shop.

They added that the new flats would not be able to have lift access but they have planned another provision.


  • Road resurfacing completed in Sutherland

The Highland Council’s Sutherland Roads Team has completed full reconstruction and resurfacing works on the C1070 Craigton Road near Bonar Bridge. 

Building Briefs - June 3rd

£225,000 of the Sutherland Area’s prioritised capital works programme for 2021/22 has enabled 2.5km of the C1010 road to be resurfaced.


  • Revised Southern Upland Way turbine plans approved

Revised plans for a wind farm which was previously rejected amid concerns over its impact on a popular walking route have been approved.

Energiekontor had an 11-turbine project at Cornharrow near Carsphairn in Dumfries and Galloway refused in 2019.

A Scottish Government reporter raised concerns about its effect on “enjoyment of cultural heritage” at the time.

The company subsequently removed three turbines and revised the scheme and it has now been given the all clear.

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