Building Briefs – September 4th

  • West Dunbartonshire to consider solar panels to reduce carbon emissions

West Dunbartonshire Council is considering the use of solar panels in a bid to reduce its carbon emissions.

Building Briefs – September 4th

The panels would increase the council’s self-sufficiency by generating some or all of the energy the new and existing buildings through the area use.

The move is being considered following a motion by Councillor Ian Dickson at last week’s council meeting.

Council officers will now investigate the possibility and create a report for elected members to consider ahead of the budget setting meeting in March next year.


  • Boundaries of Dumbarton Town Centre Conservation Area decided

Final boundaries for Dumbarton Town Centre Conservation Area have been decided after extensive consultation with members of the public.

The feedback, along with input from Historic Environment Scotland, saw a number of changes made to the previous boundary.

These included extending the boundary to incorporate the full extent of Dumbarton Central Station, including embankments and underpasses, and including only the High Street-facing parts of the Artizan Centre.

The final boundary will take in buildings including 16 Church Street, Dumbarton Sheriff Court, Municipal Buildings, St Patrick’s RC Church, Dumbarton Library at Strathleven Place, Riverside Parish Church, St Augustine’s Episcopal Church and Glencairn House.

It will also include Castle Street/Glasgow Road, where there are historic rails on the road, as well as the High Street up to Bridge Street and the waterfront area along Riverside Lane.

The introduction of the protected area will ensure that any areas of special architectural or historic interest are not significantly changed and that the character is preserved.

Members of West Dunbartonshire Council’s planning committee were advised of the proposed changes at last week’s meeting and approved the new boundaries.

Now, officers have been granted the authority to submit the final proposal to Historic Environment Scotland for designation.


  • Thieves target Aberdeen industrial and construction sites

Tens of thousands of pounds worth of materials have been stolen in a series of raids on construction sites and industrial estates in Aberdeen.

Thieves have struck five times in just five days, prompting police to warn businesses to review their security measures.

Thousands of pounds worth of timber was stolen from a construction yard at Countesswells Park Avenue in two separate thefts.

The first break-in occurred sometime between 6pm on Wednesday August 28 and 5.30am on Thursday August 29, with the site again targeted between 6pm on Saturday and 5.30am on Monday.

Copper piping and various tools and other items, again worth thousands of pounds, were taken from secured containers at a site on Minto Drive, between 1am and 4am on Friday.

And tens of thousands of pounds worth of copper piping, lead sheeting, tools and welding equipment were taken from a construction site on Caiesdykes Road between 3pm on Friday and 6am on Monday. In Bridge of Don, meanwhile, timber products worth thousands of pounds were stolen from commercial premises on The Parkway between 12pm on Saturday and 7am on Monday.

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