Construction leads - August 11th


Applicant: Leaps And Bounds Nursery.

Planning Authority: Edinburgh

Details: Erect new education building in rear garden area of the existing children’s nursery.

Location: 15 Main Street, Kirkliston

Agent: David Sinclair, 40 Corstorphine Hill Gardens, Edinburgh

Reference: 20/03021/FUL

Application Link 


Applicant:  Glenprop 1 Ltd.

Planning Authority: Edinburgh

Details:  Demolition of existing buildings and construction of student residential development with associated landscaping.

Location: 7 Lower Gilmore Place, Edinburgh

Agent: ISA. FAO: Anthony Hemmings, 5 Blenheim Place, Edinburgh

Reference: 20/02976/FUL

Application Link 



Applicant: Mr Doug Anderson.

Planning Authority: Edinburgh 

Details: Demolition of existing garage and replacement with single storey flat roofed extension. Addition of two new dormers to the front and side and replacement of all windows and doors with minor alterations to some openings.

Location: 11 Cramond Terrace, Edinburgh  

Agent: Helen Lucas Architects, FAO: Hannah Bowers, 31 Marchmont Road, Edinburgh

Reference: 20/02992/FUL

Application Link 



Contract Authority: East Ayrshire Council

Details: The Scope of Works under the D14600 Contract New Cumnock Flood Protection Scheme comprises the construction of water retaining earthwork flood embankments and in situ concrete flood wall. Other associated works include drainage, fencing and landscaping. The works have been broken down into 6 Working Areas.

Location: New Cumnock


Publication Date: 07/08/2020


Contract Authority: Blackwood Homes and Care

Details: Blackwood is looking to contract with a sole contractor to refurbish the existing commercial kitchen at our care home at Broom Court, Stirling. Works will include the downtaking of the existing kitchen with equipment and the supply and installation of the replacement kitchen with equipment

Location: Stirling


Publication Date: 07/08/2020

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