Construction Leads - July 15th


Applicant: Glasgow City Council

Planning Authority: Glasgow

Details: Internal alterations to B listed building comprising of enlargement of liftshaft between chapels and transfer chamber, reform catafalques

Location: Linn Crematorium, 413 Lainshaw Drive, Glasgow

Agent: DRS Project Management and Design, 229 George Street, Glasgow


Applicant: The City Of Edinburgh Council.

Planning Authority: Edinburgh

Details: The proposals include development of the existing open space into public parkland. The development will include new active travel links with lighting, paths, landscaping, habitat creation/enhancement and tree planting.

Location: South East Wedge development site, Old Dalkeith Road, Edinburgh

Agent: Edinburgh and Lothians Greenspace Trust, Swanston Steading, 109/11 Swanston Road, Edinburgh


Applicant: Edinburgh Printmakers Ltd

Planning Authority: Edinburgh

Details: Repair of the existing fabric and opening up and formation of a new, accessible entrance to create an accessible gallery, shop, cafe, office accommodation and print studio within the existing building. Creative Enterprise units are accommodated in new extension to the south-east of the existing building to form an external courtyard.

Location: 2 Gilmore Park, Edinburgh

Agent: Page/Park Architects, 20 James Morrison Street, Glasgow

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