Construction Leads - June 30th


Applicant: Fountain North Ltd.

Planning Authority: Edinburgh

Details: Planning Permission in principle for mixed use development including residential, Class 1 (Retail), Class 2 (Financial, Professional and other services), Class 3 (Food and Drink), Class 4 (Business), and/or Hotel/Class 7; Detailed matters included for the siting + maximum height of building blocks, points of vehicular access + egress, location of pedestrian routes, all detailed matters for the North block (Building A1), new public square + pavilion building.

Location: Land adjacent to 194 Fountainbridge, Edinburgh

Agent: GVA Grimley FAO: Caroline Nutsford, Quayside House, 127 Fountainbridge, Edinburgh


Applicant: St Andrew Square (Property) Limited.

Planning Authority: Edinburgh

Details: Mixed use development comprising: demolition of office + retail buildings. Construction of mixed use development comprising Class 1, 2, 3, public house and hot food take away uses at ground floor with Grade A offices (Class 4) above. Retention of facade of Venetian building + alterations at roof level; five car parking spaces, associated cycle parking + public realm upgrade.

Location: 15 - 19 South St Andrew Street, 28 - 50 West Register Street, Edinburgh

Agent: Scott Hobbs Planning. 24A Stafford Street, Edinburgh



Applicant: Mr Fraser Black

Planning Authority: Perth

Details: Construction of 2 dwellinghouses

Location: The Manse, 3 Perth Road, Milnathort, Kinross

Agent: Allan Corfield Architects Ltd, Allan Corfield, Lewis House, Unit 213, Hillend Industrial Estate, Hillend, Dunfermline

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