Construction leads - March 18th


Applicant: Leonardo John Dalton House Ltd.

Planning Authority: Edinburgh

Details: The Grade C listed building at 55-61 Jeffrey Street contains office accommodation on the lower two floors, with six flats on the three floors above. It is adjacent to the Jurys Inn Hotel at 43 Jeffrey Street. The site to the rear of these buildings is subject to a current Planning application, ref. 100152884-001. The lower two floors will be joined to a new hotel, and converted to hotel entrance and bar use. The main entrance will be upgraded (future application)

Location: Jury’s Inn, 43 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh 

Agent: Cfp Architects Limited. FAO: Stephen Roberts, 42 Lovelace Road, London

Reference: 19/00946/LBC

Application Link 


Applicant: Glencairn Properties C/o Agent.

Planning Authority: Edinburgh 

Details: Demolition of all buildings on site and construction of office (Class 4) and flatted residential development with associated car parking and landscaping.

Location: 7 GF, 7 IF, 8, 10, 10A & 10B Lower Gilmore Place, Edinburgh

Agent: ISA Architecture and Design, FAO: Kerry Nicol, 4-5 Blenheim Place, Edinburgh

Reference: 19/00789/FUL

Application Link 



Applicant: BDW Trading Limited

Planning Authority: Edinburgh   

Details: Proposed remix of 13 dwellings. 

Location: Land 296 metres south of 17 Frogston Road East, Edinburgh

Agent: EMA Architecture + Design Limited, 42 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh

Reference: 19/00869/FUL

Application Link 



Contract Authority: East Renfrewshire Council

Details: East Renfrewshire Council is seeking currently inviting tenders, from suitably qualified companies for the painting of lighting columns and control cabinets (and all necessary preparation works for painting including the removal of loose paint and rust) in various locations within East Renfrewshire over a four year period. The bidder should include for the supply of paint and materials necessary for the works.

Annually it is anticipated that the works will cover an estimated 900 lighting columns and 80 control cabinets.

Location: East Renfrewshire


Publication Date: 15/03/2019


Contract Authority: Aberdeen City Council

Details: Contract to install district heating to three Aberdeen City Council buildings

Location: Aberdeen


Publication Date: 15/03/2019

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