Fife companies invited to hire modern apprentices in traditional skills with financial backing
An opportunity has arisen for construction companies in Fife to hire two modern apprentices in traditional skills with significant financial support.

Fife Historic Building Trust (FHBT) is delivering the Inverkeithing Heritage Regeneration (IHR) project on behalf of Fife Council.
As part of this project, two private sector modern apprenticeships in traditional skills can be funded at up to 50 per cent in year one.
The funding comes from Historic Environment Scotland, who are aware of a severe shortage of skilled trades and the threat to traditional buildings. The Heritage Fund also support the project, especially, the learning engagement and skills training elements.
The support will be for the apprentice wages costs and FHBT will also be offering additional training and study visits, for example, to an A-listed building repair and adaptation contract.
Emma Griffiths, training and development officer for Inverkeithing Heritage Regeneration, commented: “Buildings constructed from before 1919 generally followed a similar pattern, and used local materials for centuries: stone, timber, lead, glass, cast iron, plaster and lime finishes.
“This opportunity is all about making sure those highly skilled in working with these traditional materials, are able to train up the next generation of specialists. Stone masons, roofers, lead specialists, joinery firms, traditional plasters, sign writers would all qualify for this funding opportunity.
“Any employer keen to train a new start through an apprenticeship in traditional skills, is welcome to apply whether a sole trader, SME, or a multi-national. Interested employers should get in touch with me for more details.”
She added: “Our goal is to increase the skilled workforce in Fife, to better maintain, repair and adapt the rich heritage. Fife has almost 10 per cent per cent of Scotland’s listed buildings, and a remarkable 48 Conservation Areas.”
Ms Griffiths can be contacted at or telephone 01592 725145.
Business Gateway Fife is working with Inverkeithing Heritage Regeneration Project to assist delivery of the town centre improvement grant and adviser, John Allan is also giving advice, mentoring and support to the businesses in the Town Centre.
He said: “This is an excellent opportunity for employers to recruit an apprentice with skills that will be an asset to any organisation working on historic properties.”