Interserve Construction hosts global safety stand down

Interserve Construction offices and sites held a global safety stand down at 11am today.

Interserve Construction hosts global safety stand down

Employees, members of the supply chain and customers stood down on sites and offices across the globe to come together for HSE briefings and workshops.

Cameron Stewart, regional director, said: “The health, safety and welfare of our workforce is extremely important to Interserve and it is pivotal that we send every member of our team home unharmed every day.

Interserve Construction hosts global safety stand down

 “Today, Interserve have held safety stand downs across the globe to ensure that there is a constant focus on safety at work.

“I was at our Scottish National Gallery site today speaking to the workforce about spatial awareness. It is essential to take time out and remind everyone involved on our projects how important it is to remain aware of our surroundings and to remind them of the things we can do when planning work activities to ensure our sites are as safe as possible.”

“We have introduced a simple SLAM message to our workforce; stop, look, assess and manage. The team were really engaged and we look forward to more events like this going forward.”

Scott Crookston of Core Drilling Specialists, a sub-contractor on the Scottish National Gallery, attended the stand down and said after the event: “I was happy to bring my team along to the safety stand down today. As with Interserve, health and safety is of the utmost important to CDS. It is good to get everyone on site together to speak about the important issues that affect us every day.”

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