£114m to be invested in council housing across West Dunbartonshire

West-DunbartonshireCouncillors in West Dunbartonshire have agreed to £114 million worth of improvements for council homes.

Agreed as part of the local authority’s 2016/17 budget, the investment will allow the council to carry out 170 kitchen replacements and 120 new bathrooms, replace and modernise over 300 heating systems, renew windows and doors to 800 of our houses, carry out 300 roof replacements, and provide insulated render for 250 properties.

In addition to ensuring that all of the council’s homes continue to meet the Scottish Housing Quality Standard, this rent increase will also help to ensure properties meet the Scottish Government’s energy efficiency standards.

A total of £3.4m will be invested in delivering energy efficiencies, £600k will be spent on heating improvement works and a further £300,000 will allow special needs adaptations to be made at the homes of some of our vulnerable residents.

Councillor Lawrence O’Neill, vice convener of housing and communities, added: “The housing available to tenants and residents across West Dunbartonshire has improved beyond all recognition in the last few years. I’m pleased that we had such positive consultation with tenants and residents organisations who agree with our approach to continue investing heavily in housing.”

Elsewhere in the budget, the Administration’s vision to Build a Better West Dunbartonshire was further supported with major infrastructure investment such as a new £12.4m Regeneration Fund to pay for improvements across West Dunbartonshire – including its town centres.

An extra £1.3m was allocated to the new Clydebank Leisure Centre to create a state-of-the-art adaptable facility for young people to encourage active lifestyles. It is expected to fill an entire floor with interactive play, sensory areas and a children’s gym.

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