£30m extension planned at Kelso hotel
Plans to expand the Roxburghe Hotel near Kelso have been submitted to Scottish Borders Council.
About this development:
- Authority:Scottish Borders
- Type:Leisure
- Applications:
- Team:Ian Springford Architects (architect)

Under designs by Ian Springford Architects, the B-listed property would be extended to provide an additional 62 bedrooms in a rear wing while a new restaurant, spa and conference venue would also be introduced as well as accessible facilities in support of a further 60 woodland lodges.
German developer 12.18. Investment Management acquired the hotel last year and began upgrading the current 22 bedrooms.
The plans for the proposed extension, part of a wider investment in the hotel, were submitted following extensive discussions with planning officers at Scottish Borders Council over the last year.
It is expected that, once complete, the redevelopment will create more than 60 new jobs, doubling the hotel’s workforce.

A spokesperson for Ian Springford Architects on behalf of the developer says: “Despite considerable investment by the duke in the associated golf course, trout fishing and shooting, the hotel has been unable to establish itself as a viable and sustainable business.
“The property was purchased in early 2018 by 12.18 Investment Management, who intend to refurbish, extend and develop the property into a destination resort hotel.
“The proposed extension is part of a larger masterplan for the development of the Roxburghe Hotel and estate.
“The refurbishment of the existing house is now complete, along with the refurbishment of existing rooms in the adjacent grade B-listed stable block and the conversion of a former outbuilding into a new gun and boot room.
“Planning consent for 60 lodges within the woodland to the south of the hotel was previously obtained and construction work has commenced.
“The new extension is central to the business case for the whole estate, providing much-needed facilities to support the lodges, existing listed hotel building and existing golf course.
“The location of the extension is also physically central to the whole masterplan, with new estate roads and car parking created to serve the whole development and link the previously disparate parts of the estate together.”