69 new affordable homes for Dumfries

Alex Neil
Alex Neil

Sixty nine new below market rent homes – with a total value of £9 million – are now available in Dumfries thanks to the National Housing Trust initiative (NHT), it was confirmed today.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and Social Justice Secretary Alex Neil visited Marchfield in Dumfries to mark the completion of the new homes.

Robertson Homes and Dumfries and Galloway Council jointly funded the newly-built homes, developed using the original NHT model, which are being made available for rent at below market rates.

The money borrowed by the council to help fund the homes is underwritten by the Scottish Government.

The Scottish Government, with support from the Scottish Futures Trust, developed the original NHT model for councils and developers.

The NHT initiative is on track to deliver over 2,000 new homes in communities across Scotland.

The First Minister said: “As this £9 million development demonstrates, Robertson Homes and Dumfries and Galloway Council have embraced the NHT model as one that can help ease housing pressures locally.

“The trailblazing NHT initiative is the first guarantee-based model for housing in the UK. It has delivered dozens of new homes in Dumfries for rent at below market rates.”

Mr Neil said: “Importantly, this ground-breaking housing model is expected to deliver over 2,000 much-needed new, affordable homes across Scotland without the need for grant subsidy, supporting jobs in the construction industry and wider economy.

“Councils have ensured that NHT developments deliver homes in the right places, of the right type and of the right quality to meet the needs of tenants.

“The Scottish Government is doing everything possible to maximise our investment in housing and deliver our target of 30,000 new, affordable homes over the lifetime of this Parliament.”

Derek Shewan, chief operating officer for Robertson Group, said: “We are delighted to be joined on-site today by the First Minister and Mr Neil as we celebrate the partnership between ourselves, Dumfries and Galloway Council and the National Housing Trust. This development features a combination of semi-detached and three-bedroom terraced houses, as well as 15 two-bedroom flats.

“Robertson has almost five decades of experience delivering high-quality, modern family homes. There has been an overwhelming level of demand for these properties, which will sit alongside privately owned homes on this development.”

Matthew Benson, the Director, Development Services at Rettie & Co said: “The exceptional take-up here in Dumfries confirms that there is a real gap in the market in many areas of Scotland for mid-rent properties such as these.

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