7,000-home Edinburgh development site recommended for approval

A £2 billion development with the capacity to deliver 7,000 new homes to the outskirts of Edinburgh has been recommended for planning permission in principle approval.
Earlier this year, West Town Edinburgh Limited, the development consortium headed by Drum Property Group which owns more than 200 acres of prime development land to the west of Edinburgh, unveiled ambitious proposals for West Town, a new homes-led ‘twenty-minute’ neighbourhood set to transform Scotland’s capital.
Described as “one the most significant and sustainable urban expansions of Edinburgh in a generation”, the 205-acre West Town site is located between Ingliston Park and Ride and the Gogar Roundabout at the western gateway of Edinburgh.

Development proposals follow guidelines set out by the council’s City Plan 2030 which identifies the area as having the potential to become a vibrant, high-density city extension with a capacity for 7,000 homes - along with the necessary employment, commercial, leisure and community facilities required for a 20-minute neighbourhood.
Proposed facilities include schools, medical provision, civic and community space as well as bars, restaurants, cafes, retail and other commercial spaces. There are plans for 27 acres of accessible green space – including a large 5.5-acre central park, several ‘pocket’ parks and a ‘wildlife’ corridor, criss-crossed by a network of cycle, running and walking tracks.

Councillors will consider the recommendation to grant the proposals planning permission in principle next week.
The City of Edinburgh Council’s official report states: “Subject to conditions and the conclusion of a suitable legal agreement, the proposal complies with the applicable requirements and policy aspirations of the development plan.
“No other material considerations have been identified that outweigh this conclusion. It is therefore recommended that this application be granted.”