Aberdeen City Council agrees updates on major building projects

Union Terrace Gardens
Updates on several major building projects across Aberdeen were agreed at an Aberdeen City Council committee earlier this week, including for three new primary schools, turfing in Union Terrace Gardens, the South College Street Junction Improvements, the energy from waste facility, and new council house developments.
Finance and Resources Committee members approved the updates and noted the status of the various projects.
Council co-leader Councillor Ian Yuill said: “Our council in continuing to invest in homes, schools, infrastructure and making our city a more attractive place. I’m pleased that progress is continuing on these major building projects across the city.
“We look forward to seeing these project being finished and moving forward in the coming months.”
The report to committee said for Union Terrace Gardens, preparations are underway for the turfing of the lower gardens and snagging works continue. Following poor periods of weather, the council’s operations and protective services is monitoring weather conditions for a favourable window to complete turfing works and progress is wholly weather dependant to ensure the area is as best it can be for future events and ongoing public use.
Other updates to committee included:
- For the new Countesswells Primary School, the council took possession of it on 1 March 2023 and pupils from the former Countesswells School have moved into the new building
- Works are progressing for the new Torry Primary School and Hub and the construction is about 70% complete with an expectation it will be complete by Autumn 2023, as planned
- The target date for completion of the Tillydrone Primary School project is Summer 2024
- The Bucksburn Academy temporary accommodation project is nearing completion, with only the covered walkway and external landscaping works still outstanding and occupation is expected later this month
- The report said for the South College Street Junction Improvements (Phase 1), works are progressing and the substantial completion date is still expected to be Spring 2023
- Five of the new council housing blocks at Summerhill have now been handed over with three remaining to follow. Block 6 is planned to be handed over this month with Block 8 in Autumn 2023 and the final block, Block 7, handed over in Spring 2024
- Cloverhill new council houses project continues to progress well on site and the first phase of units will be handed over in Summer 2023 with a number of other phases to be handed over between then and 2026
- After the £6.15 million grant from the Scottish Government Ukraine long term resettlement fund for unable to be re-let properties, three external contractors have been successful, and work is now being allocated to each of them that aligns with their capability and current availability of resources. About 320 units have had refurbishment/repair works carried out with the orders for furnishings/white goods following where necessary. Work continues with housing colleagues to allocate the completed units to Ukrainian households as they become available. About 125 units are now occupied.
The report said officers continue to review the approved Capital Programme in light of external pressures such as inflation, energy supply and cost, Covid-19 impacts, war in Ukraine, and Brexit.
It added that there is still a significant risk that costs will increase for those projects under construction and for future projects and close collaboration is being maintained with finance colleagues.