Aberdeen City Council approves 2025/26 budget plan

Aberdeen City Council approves 2025/26 budget plan

New and upgraded schools, a major roads project, continuing investment in the city centre, and increased support for vulnerable and disadvantaged citizens form the basis of Aberdeen City Council’s 2025/26 Budget.

The council is to spend £247 million on schools over the next five years, including £121m on the new Hazlehead Academy. There is a commitment to expand facilities at Harlaw Academy, refurbish St Peter’s Roman Catholic School and Ferryhill Primary, and progress an extension for Bucksburn Academy. 

To help reduce congestion, £55m will go to the Berryden Corridor Improvement Project, with work starting next year. In the city centre, £13m will be used to enhance the Castlegate as a public space. 

Councillor Alex McLellan, convener of the Finance and Resources Committee, said: “Despite the council operating in incredibly challenging circumstances, we remain focussed on delivering essential public services and assisting people through the ongoing cost-of-living crisis. 

“Aberdeen City Council is continuing to invest in the school estate, in roads, and other key infrastructure such as the regeneration of the city centre and beach area.  These actions will ensure Aberdeen continues to be a place people want to live, want to work, want to raise a family, and want to start a business.” 

The Budget allocates £668m to delivering public services in 2025/26 and £709m to capital projects over the next five years.

Aberdeen City Council approves 2025/26 budget plan

(from left) David Suttie, Denis Law Legacy Trust trustee; Kiana Coutts, Denis Law Legacy Trust outreach development officer; Councillor Alex McLellan, Councillor Miranda Radley, Mike Williams, Denis Law Legacy Trust chief operating officer

And the council will also fund a Cruyff Court in Kincorth – the city’s 4th – in partnership with the Denis Law Legacy Trust.

The court will be built on pitches close to the site of the former Kincorth Academy building as part of the ongoing successful partnership comprising Aberdeen City Council, The Denis Law Legacy Trust and The Cruyff Foundation.

The new facility, once completed, will provide a space for multiple sports that will be free for the local community to use.

Aberdeen is already one of only two UK cities, the other being London, that has three Cruyff Courts. This additional fourth court will mean the city will equal London’s four Cruyff Courts.

Convener of Finance and Resources Committee Councillor Alex McLellan said: “This new Cruyff Court will be a real asset for the community of Kincorth and will directly benefit many young people.

“I’m delighted that we have approved the funding today for what will be Aberdeen’s fourth Cruyff Court and I look forward to working with partners, and the local community, to see the project delivered.”

Convener of Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee Councillor Miranda Radley said: “This commitment by Aberdeen City Council, to deliver a Cruyff Court in Kincorth, will be a huge benefit to the young people in the area and I look forward to this free to access, accessible sports facility, being delivered for the community of Kincorth.”

Mark Williams, chief operating officer of the Denis Law Legacy Trust, said: “It’s exciting to help create and introduce another impactful safe space that will help benefit thousands of people both physically and mentally whilst supporting young people to grow and enjoy friendships at the same time.”

David Suttie, trustee of the Denis Law Legacy Trust, said: “The previous 3 Courts in the city have made a big difference in their communities.  The Partnership with Aberdeen City Councill, the Johan Cruyff Foundation and ourselves continues to be very successful and we all look forward to delivering something special once again.”

Simon Wood from the Johan Cruyff Foundation said: “It’s great to work with long time partners Denis Law Legacy Trust and Aberdeen City Council again to look at delivering a 4th Cruyff Court to Aberdeen city.”

The Cruyff Courts are a worldwide project by The Cruyff Foundation with the aim of providing safe spaces for communities to play outside and enjoy the benefits of team games and making new friends.

The new Cruyff Court in Kincorth will become Aberdeen’s fourth court alongside Cruyff Court Denis Law in Catherine Street, Cruyff Court Neale Cooper in Tullos and Cruyff Court Willie Miller in Tillydrone.

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