Aberdeen City Council approves four new housing developments

Ramsay Milne
Ramsay Milne

Four new developments totalling 107 homes and 108 flats have been given the green light by Aberdeen City Council.

Cala Management Ltd received approval to build 107 houses and 12 affordable apartments on land north of Friarsfield Road/Kirk Brae in Cults. The scheme also includes landscaping, car parking, access roads and pedestrian/cycle paths. The 11.9-hectare site is currently used as pasture for horses and rises steeply from Cults Burn.

Officers recommended the development be approved, subject to conditions including 10 per cent of affordable housing; developer contributions towards primary and secondary education, sport and recreation and healthcare; and financial contributions towards the delivery of a link road.

A total of 26 affordable flats for Dandara Ltd/Langstane Housing Association at 80 Summerhill Road in Aberdeen also received the go-ahead.

Planners had recommended approval, subject to conditions including a legal agreement to ensure the development is restricted to solely affordable housing, along with developer obligations for primary and secondary education, the Core Path Network and the Strategic Transport Fund.

The Langstane Housing Association site includes a warehouse which was previously used by Somebody Cares and covers an area of 1,225 square metres.

Donside Phase Two at Gordon Mills Road in Tillydrone was approved, including 24 two-bedroomed flats in a seven, eight and nine-storey block.

Planners had recommended approval for the Donside Ltd scheme was granted conditionally, with consent to be withheld pending developer contributions towards community facilities.

The site is within the centre/east side of the Donside Village development next to the River Don, where the areas to the south and west have recently been developed largely for residential purposes. Planning permission for mixed-use urban village of 278 homes was conditionally approved in April 2008.

Cala Homes Aberdeen (North) Ltd received permission to build 46 flats at May Baird Avenue in Ashgrove, with associated car parking and landscaping.

Planners had recommended approval, subject to conditions and the inclusion of a legal agreement for 25 per cent affordable housing on adjoining land, and developer contributions in relation to primary education and the Strategic Transport Fund, and participation in a Car Club to mitigate a shortfall in car parking.

Planning development management committee convener Councillor Ramsay Milne welcomed the new developments, which are a mixture of houses and flats spread across the city.

He said: “There is a shortage of accommodation – particularly affordable accommodation – in the city so these developments will make a significant difference in this sector of the market. The city council has comprehensive plans in place to address these shortages and I am delighted these developments will help fill the gaps.”

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