Aberdeen Local Development Plan looks to increase “commuted payments” in affordable housing drive

AberdeenDevelopers building homes in Aberdeen could be made subject to substitute payments more than twice as much than they currently bear for not building affordable homes after proposals to increase “commuted payments” was suggested under the ‘Proposed Aberdeen Local Development Plan’.

Housing developments of five units or more must make around of quarter of the homes affordable.

At the moment, housebuilders can pay £25,000 per site instead.

But guidance with the Proposed Aberdeen Local Development Plan suggests increasing this to £35,000-£55,000 for a flat and £47,500-£85,000 for a house, depending on site.

Aberdeen City Council’s convener of planning management committee said a better deal needed to be struck to secure thousands of affordable homes, which could help key workers like teachers and nurses.

Councillor Ramsay Milne said: “In our view commuted sums are insufficient to actually provide housing, whether that’s our own or housing association developments.”

The new payments were suggested by the District Valuers Service after input from the Affordable Housing Forum, which includes the development industry and social housing providers.

The Proposed Aberdeen Local Development Plan states that affordable housing would be provided on site and would be “indistinguishable from the market housing”.

The report adds: “In circumstances where the city council agrees that onsite provision is not possible, off site provision may be considered.

“In exceptional circumstances where on or off site provision is not possible, a commuted sum will be required from the developer.”

However, the plan also says targets had to be “realistic”

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