Aberdeen to continue £0.5bn capital investment programme despite budget savings
Aberdeen City Council has agreed a £516 million capital programme in its 2016/17 budget.
The funding over the next five years, for projects such as the new AECC and the three-council Energy from Waste facility, will help the city achieve its ambitions in the Regional Economic Strategy, Strategic Infrastructure Plan and recently-agreed City Region Deal.
Aberdeen City Council Leader Councillor Jenny Laing said savings have been achieved while ensuring no jobs were lost and council tax was frozen for a ninth consecutive year.
Cllr Laing said: “Our capital budget is an ambitious, but achievable, programme which is designed to breed confidence in the city and is in addition to the funding set out in the city region deal.
“Our capital budget has provision of £59m for roads infrastructure projects, including more than £19m for the Berryden corridor, a further contribution of £26m for the AWPR, £80m of investment for green energy, £81m for the new Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre, funds to invest in flood prevention measures, and £34m for city-centre regeneration as part of the City Centre Masterplan.
“It also includes £130m for new schools which highlights our continuing commitment to education right across the city. These projects include the new state-of-the-art centre of excellence facility for children with serious and complex needs; the new academy south of the city, and a replacement Stoneywood primary school. Work also recently started on a £5m extension at Greenbrae Primary School in the Bridge of Don.
“Our budget provides the strongest approach to the challenges we face with the best options for serving the people and place of Aberdeen.”
A number of projects are entering the final construction phase and will be operational this year. These include:-