Aberdeenshire Council publishes latest local housing strategy

Aberdeenshire Council publishes latest local housing strategy

Aberdeenshire Council’s latest five-year plan for the development of housing across the area has been published.

The Local Housing Strategy 2024-2029 sets out the key priorities of the authority’s housing service to support the delivery of high-quality housing and to meet the needs of local people across a range of tenures. 

The strategy was developed with the input of various partners, as well as involving elected members and tenant group representatives. 

Public feedback on the strategy was sought earlier this year, and the plan was presented to each of Aberdeenshire Council’s six area committees for comment before being brought before the authority’s Communities Committee for approval earlier this month. 

Five new priorities have been agreed for the new strategy. These are to increase the supply of housing in Aberdeenshire, to provide a range of housing options for those seeking accommodation, and to prevent homelessness where possible while taking a ‘rapid rehousing’ approach where homelessness occurs. 

The priorities also aim to increase the supply of appropriate housing and support to ensure health and wellbeing across Aberdeenshire communities, and to work towards Net Zero targets and reduce fuel poverty in Aberdeenshire. 

Under the previous strategy, covering 2018-2023, 4,058 private properties have been completed in Aberdeenshire, with a further 966 social rented properties, and 81 mid-market and low-cost shared equity properties delivered. 

In addition, 132 homes were purchased through the Scottish Government’s Help to Buy Fund, and 116 empty properties brought back into use. 

It is anticipated that approximately 2,844 new homes will be required over the lifetime of the new strategy around 569 per year, dependent on a range of factors, including planning permission and funding for developments. 

Welcoming the new strategy, Communities Committee chair Cllr Anne Stirling said: “The new strategy is a comprehensive piece of work that has been developed with input from a range of partners, including tenant groups, and that has also taken public feedback on board. 

“It builds on the successes of the previous strategy and gives us a clear direction of travel for the next five years that will complement and support the council’s wider work to support a sustainable economy, to develop connected communities and to help people to live well locally.” 

Committee vice-chair Cllr Sarah Brown added: “Our targets are ambitious, as ever, particularly given the ongoing challenges in the construction industry, but the plan clearly outlines what we want to achieve, and how. 

“We will be monitoring progress closely through the use of action plans which will be reviewed annually, and look forward to seeing as many of these new homes being delivered across the area as possible over the next five years.”

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