Aberdeenshire councillors approve housing association development plans in principle
Castlehill Housing Association has progressed plans for 220 homes at Chapelwell.

Planning officers at Aberdeenshire Council have approved the proposals south of Balmedie in principle.
The move follows a section 75 arrangement was agreed for developer contributions.
A further application will now be submitted to gain full planning permission.
A planning report said: “This application is for permission in principle only, as such there are no details of the style, or layout of the properties.
“Castlehill Housing Association as the developer are promoting the site as providing a 50% affordable housing contribution.”
Castlehill Housing Association development manager, Fraser Buchanan, told Scottish Housing News: “Castlehill HA are delighted that our proposed development at Chapelwell, Balmedie is a step closer, having been granted Planning Permission In Principle by Aberdeenshire Council. The project aims to deliver a large number of affordable homes along with houses for private sale, in a highly sought after area of Aberdeenshire.”
A planning statement submitted by NORR to Aberdeenshire Council stated the first phase of the development would comprise between 55 and 63 houses developed by Castlehill Housing Association for affordable housing.
The planning statement added: “Within the future phases, the intention is to introduce market housing to deliver a range of housing tenures and create a sustainable community providing a range of opportunities.
This development will deliver affordable housing in the short term and increases the number of affordable units provided in comparison to the Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan.
“It is important for this site to deliver a range of housing tenures in seeking to deliver Aberdeenshire Council’s vision for Balmedie in transforming the area into a high-quality lifestyle, leisure and global business location.”