Alloa wellbeing hub moves to detailed design stage

Progress on Clackmannanshire Council’s plans for a wellbeing hub in Alloa were discussed at a meeting last week as the project enters the detailed design phase.
Councillors heard about the work already underway on the hub which council previously agreed would be built at The Pavilions, Alloa West.
They were asked by Lorraine Sanda, the council’s strategic director of people, to note a report detailing considerable progress made on the project.
The report also lays out a timeline for the build which would see on the ground construction begin towards the end of 2024 with a completion date two years later.
Council heard that due to the scale of the project, a range of additional resources had been added to the project, including communications advisers to support engagement with the public, partners and staff.
Sport Scotland also continues to support the development.
The construction of the new wellbeing hub is running alongside the plan to build a new Lochies School at the same site and Council heard that there would be advantages to both projects, with energy performance and inclusion being given key considerations.
Council were also informed that the plans for a new School Swimming Programme were on track, to be introduced in the summer term of 2023 with all P5 school children from across Clackmannanshire benefitting from the Water Safety and Aquatics Skills Programme.
Councillor Scott Harrison, spokesperson for sports, leisure and active living, who attended a site visit with school pupils from Redwell Primary last week, said: “When I get the opportunity to speak to people face to face about the wellbeing hub development and explain more about the project there is a definite sense of enthusiasm and excitement about what we are proposing.”
Council leader Ellen Forson said: “This is the biggest project that we have seen in Clackmannanshire for years. It is ambitious and challenging, but we should not apologise for having huge ambitions for our area.
“We want to deliver this for the people of Clackmannanshire as soon as possible, but this has to be done within the constraints that all public sector organisations work with in relation to infrastructure projects like this.”