And finally… Architecture students to create designs linked to Pittenweem tidal pool restoration
Stage 1 Architecture students at The Glasgow School of Art are to undertake a project linked to the restoration of the Pittenweem tidal pool.

The project will see the students creating proposals for a building beside the historic pool including a 21st century thermal baths /changing rooms / café.
Scotland had a number of tidal pools which were created in their heyday (late 19th early 20th century), but over the years many have fallen into disrepair or disuse. However, community groups across the country have been galvanised of late to save these important Victorian and Edwardian structures.
Last year The West Braes Project in Fife secured the funding needed to carry out the first phase of work on the regeneration of the Pittenweem tidal pool. The group’s aim is to improve disabled access and create a purpose-built building nearby which could house a heritage centre, toilet and shower facilities, and a community-run cafe. The project team is hoping that work will start on rejuvenating the pool this spring.
Now the Mackintosh School of Architecture at the GSA is challenging its Stage 1 students to create proposals for a sustainable building near the sea pool, the designs for which will be driven by considerations of climate change and accessibility.
Over 80 students, including Jack Garvin from Pittenweem, visited the site last week to meet with The West Braes Project team and learn more about both the history of the pool and the plans for its future.
“A central tenet of the GSA’s approach to architecture teaching and learning is that it is grounded in the practical, live brief,” says Stage 1 Leader Kathy Li. “Students are challenged to bring their creativity to designs that respond to real life scenarios.”
“We are delighted to be working with the team from The West Braes Project in Pittenweem as they undertake the rejuvenation of the historic tidal pool. For our students this offers the chance to learn more about the social history of these coastal structures in general and to create designs that envisage a future for Pittenweem tidal pool, especially one that opens up access for as many people as possible.”
“There is no question that the biggest challenge that we face as a planet is climate change,” she adds. “Embedding sustainability into our teaching will ensure future generations of architects for whom environmental concern is central to their practice. In this project the students are being charged with creating designs within the global context of the climate emergency.”
“We at The West Braes Project team are delighted to be involved in a collaboration with the Glasgow School of Art in this exciting and challenging restoration project,” say Bill Watson and Nicola Thomson. “We look forward to their fresh ideas and innovative designs for environmental and sustainability to provide an exciting educational facility and community hub in Pittenweem.”
“Having grown up spending holidays in Pittenweem and a lot of time in and round the site, this project feels very personal to me,” says Stage 1 Architecture student, Jack Garvin. “I can’t wait to start working on creating a space for the community that I very much feel a part of, in the context of my favourite place in the world.”
Plans are being developed to put the students designs on show in Pittenweem later in the year.