And finally…holy virtual reality!

A new virtual reality walking tour of ancient Jerusalem is set to let visitors see the city as it would have appeared during the time of Jesus.

The virtual reality guide, ‘Step into History,’ offers visitors a chance to “walk in the streets of Jerusalem and enjoy the present and take a look back to the past,” said Tower of David Museum director Eilat Lieber.

The high-tech expedition, which will be available from the middle of this month, offers 360-degree simulations that reveal what Jerusalem’s citadel, palaces, streets and ancient Jewish temples looked like 2,000 years ago.

The Tower of David Museum, which is housed in the Old City’s ancient stronghold, is launching the attraction to coincide with the the Jewish holiday of Sukkot.

Designed by the museum and ToD Innovation Lab, promoters said the tour is not only the first of its kind, but in Israel it marks a significant step forward in the use of historical and archaeological sites.

”Tourists,” said Eilat Lieber, director of the Tower of David Museum, ”will no longer be limited by time and space.

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