And finally… Maxi uncovers cannonball at Edinburgh site
Excavation work at a Maxi Construction site in Edinburgh has uncovered a number of interesting archaeological finds, including a cannonball.
Work at Old Stamp Office Close, 215 High Street, so far has identified the remains of two properties demolished sometime after the 1890s, along with a continuation of North Foulis Close that ran between the two buildings.

Following the demolition of the buildings the area was built up to form a level courtyard. Part of the external walls of the demolished buildings were used as retaining walls for this new courtyard.
Within the 19th/20th century backfill used to create the courtyard, a 42lb cannonball was found. Unsure of its age, Bruce Glendinning of CFA Archaeology Ltd advised that the cannonball must post date the early 18th century when the multitude of gun sizes was rationalised and the 42lb cannonball was the largest of these.

The cannonball is likely to be claimed as treasure and will probably end up in a local museum collection.
With work due to continue onsite for another few weeks there may be more interesting discoveries.