And finally… nothing to see here

A man was forced to rake his way into his home due to a massive pile of tumbleweeds.
Ian Barnes from Colorado said his neighbourhood, located south of the Colorado Springs Airport, is no stranger to wind damage but he never expected the mess in his garden the morning after winds of more than 60 mph were recorded in the area.
“I looked out my backyard, it didn’t seem so bad, and then I went out the front yard and it was pretty crazy,” Mr Barnes told Waff.
The pile of tumbleweeds buried Mr Barnes’ front garden, car, and were encroaching on the house itself.
He found himself having to rake his way back into the house.
“I just kind of muscled through it. It wasn’t … they’re not too bad, there are a lot of stickers and stuff, but not too bad to get through,” Mr Barnes said.
“A lot of neighbours coming through, taking photos, asking if they can help, stuff like that, so it’s been pretty nice to see the neighbourhood come together … I’ve just been appreciative of that,” he added.