And finally… plumb job

And finally... plumb job

Public water fountains throughout Pittsburgh have yet to be turned on despite the scorching temperatures because there’s only one plumber in the city who can do it.

Despite the Pittsburgh Department of Public Works hiring more than 100 new workers, more than 200 water fountains still remain dormant.

Normally, the fountains get turned on in late April and early May, but in checking throughout the city, CBS News reports there isn’t a single working fountain.

The administration has hired more than 100 new workers in the Department of Public Works and according to payroll records has shelled out $1.2 million (around £940,000) in overtime through April 2024. But public works director Chris Hornstein said none of those new workers can turn the fountains on.

“I have one plumber working for the city,” Hornstein said. “We have over 200 drinking fountains.”

Hornstein says only a plumber can turn the fountains on and the city currently has only one. That plumber is responsible for filling the pools and turning on the spray parks, the restrooms and the concession stands before he can get to the fountains.

The Department of Public Works has budgeted for three plumber positions, but Hornstein says it’s only been able to fill one.

“It’s just a struggle,” Hornstein said. “If you’re a licensed plumber in the county, it is a very, very competitive job market.”

The city said once the plumber gets through with his other work, he will start on the water fountains. But it’s unlikely he’ll be able to make a significant dent by the end of summer. Then, he’ll have to begin dismantling the ones he has done.

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