And finally… Stolen house found abandoned half a mile away

Have you been joy-riding a 1,200 ft house through rural Oregon? Then Klamath County Sheriff’s Office may have some questions for you.

The log house was reported ‘missing’ last summer, and has since been found about half a mile across a field just outside Chiloquin.

Neighbours said they were surprised to find the cabin missing as it had been standing in one place for a year.

“I just remembered the house from the photo, it’s like, ‘I know that place!’” a local told Kobi5 news. “It’s been next door to me for almost a year.”

It seems the house is being fought over and police are trying to determine who has ownership of it.

“This is a situation where three parties are claiming ownership, one of the three parties sold it to a fourth party,” sheriff Frank Skrah said.

The house was bought for $3,000 but apparently empty when stolen.

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