And finally… World’s first piece of crowdfunded public infrastructure opens

A 400-metre-long pedestrian bridge described as the “world’s first crowdfunded public infrastructure project” has opened in Rotterdam.

Named Luchtsingel, which means “air canal”, the structure runs through a building and across roads and railways to connect three previously disconnected areas of the city.

Initiated and designed by the Rotterdam-based architects ZUS , the bright yellow wooden structure is raised above ground by an entire storey, creating an uninterrupted pedestrian pathway that connects the recently renovated Rotterdam Centraal station with the historic Laurenskwartier district.

It also links up a series of individual public realm projects, including a rooftop vegetable garden and a new park.

Initial fundraising came from a crowdfunding campaign. For every €25 (£17) donated, supporters could have their name inscribed onto one of the wooden boards that line the edges of the bridge.

Over 8,000 people signed up to support the campaign financially. The architects were later granted funding to complete the project by the city council.

In 2012, the Luchtsingel plan won the Rotterdam City Initiative. It was then awarded the 2012 Green Building Award, the Berlin Urban Intervention Award in 2013, the 2014 Rotterdam Architecture Award, and was nominated for the Golden Pyramid and the Dutch Construction Award in 2015.

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