Angus Council approves plan to increase affordable homes

A strategic plan to deliver more than 500 affordable homes in Angus over the next five years has been approved by councillors.
The aspiring Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) was developed by Angus Council in partnership with housing associations and the Angus Health and Social Care Partnership, along with our own planning and property services sections.
The main purpose of the plan is to set out the investment priorities for affordable housing over a five year period. The SHIP estimates that around 510 units could be delivered in the period to 2024/25, with the council set to deliver around 272 of those homes.
A spokesperson for the council said: “The SHIP makes sure we and our partners deliver housing which meets the needs of the local community and informs Scottish Government investment decisions. It includes affordable housing supply through new build, replacement, renovation and re-modelling.
“We and our partners aim to deliver 120 new affordable homes each year, significantly increasing development over the lifetime of the LHS and beyond. This target was exceeded in 2018/19 with 128 units delivered across Angus. Up to the end of August 2019, 38 units have been completed, and it’s likely that the target of 120 units will be exceeded again this year.”