Angus Council assesses options to protect Montrose coastline

Angus Council officers recently met with Montrose Community Council to update them on plans to manage coastal erosion along the town’s coastline.
The meeting, which was also attended by local councillors, gained insight to the short and longer-term plans to defend the sand dunes at Montrose Bay and by Montrose Golf Course. There was also an opportunity for open and constructive discussion around the project and updates as the works progress will continue.
Studies by Angus Council and Dynamic Coast highlighted that, with erosion rates higher than historic rates, dune repair work is urgently required to maintain the dune cordon and reduce flood risk.
Following a tendering process, a consultant has been appointed to complete an environmental screening of the area and explore options for sourcing sand material to rebuild the dunes. If necessary, the consultants – AECOM, a global company that provides engineering, consulting and project management services – will also carry out a full economic impact assessment as outlined by the Environmental Impact Assessment regulations.
This stage of the project is being funded by a £350,000 secured by Angus Council from the Scottish Government’s Nature Restoration Fund. The Council is also consulting with key partners including Montrose Golf Links, Nature Scot, Marine Scotland, Montrose Port Authority and SEPA on the project.
It is the first phase of a wider plan that will include the development and introduction of a long-term erosion management strategy to further protect the dunes and replenish the beach.
Community engagement will continue and more details on the project will follow as it progresses.