Annual report highlights tangible benefits of hub South East development programme
With a programme value of more than £660 million, hub South East Scotland Ltd and its clients continue to successfully work together to provide enhanced local services and achieve tangible benefits for partners and communities in the Lothians and Borders, according to its annual report for 2019/20.

The East Lothian Community Hospital
Since 2010 hub South East has completed 78 new or refurbished facilities, ranging from healthcare and supported accommodation, to educational and community facilities. During this 12-month reporting period from April 2019, the hub team has worked on the completion of developments totalling £82m, the start of construction of new facilities valued at more than £80m and the project development of projects valued at almost £144m.
The latest Annual Report for the South East territory highlights the flexibility, innovation, value for money and social value delivered through its projects.
In particular, it celebrates the completion of the East Lothian Community Hospital, the largest hub project in Scotland, as well as the new intergenerational Jedburgh Grammar Campus in the Scottish Borders and the handover of Queensferry High School, delivered as part of a low carbon pilot to help its client realise progressive Scottish Government environmental targets.
The report also highlights the start of construction of Scotland’s first public Passivhaus nursery in West Lothian and importantly details examples of added value, including recent benchmark metrics which demonstrate that hub South East on average delivers first class secondary schools at 13.9% below the cost per m2 target and, through efficient design, 8.3% below the target cost per pupil.
Paul McGirk, hub South East’s chief executive, said: “The global COVID-19 pandemic came to the forefront as we were ending our 2019/20 reporting period and understandably it has been, and still is, a major focus with no industry, business or individual being unaffected. But it’s important that we still reflect on the successes of the previous year and the opportunities ahead, of which there are many.
“Alongside the successful delivery of award-winning learning spaces and high-quality health facilities, we have continued to provide clients with strategic support, identifying new opportunities and developing innovative solutions and demonstrating the flexibility of the hub programme.
“hub South East can also demonstrate the positive impact being made in terms of wider economic gain. We are committed to providing local opportunities through projects, having delivered more than 400 new jobs, 500 apprenticeships and almost 4,800 work placement days to date. With 82% of construction work packages being awarded to Scottish SMEs, we are also keen to encourage the use of local businesses and the reinvestment of the Scottish pound.
“The key to our success continues to be true collaboration and I would like to thank all of those who have contributed to our achievements this year, especially for the professional way in which staff, clients and our supply chain have dealt with the demanding and ever-changing situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. It has been heartening in this time of challenge and uncertainty to see how we have worked together and this can only strengthen relationships in the future.
“We look forward with confidence to the year ahead, working together to ensure the realisation of Hub South East’s aspiration of becoming our Clients’ Development Partner of Choice.”