Application kick starts consultation into Hawick High School replacement

An online consultation space with detailed plans and designs for the replacement of Hawick High School is now available to view.
A Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) has been submitted to Scottish Borders Council last week triggering a 12-week statutory consultation.
The virtual consultation space offers members of the public the opportunity to view the council’s preferred option of building a brand-new, state-of-the-art campus on the site of the existing school on the area of ground between the adjacent cricket club and the older school buildings.
Visitors can view updated site plans and designs which have been further developed and refined following a period of informal consultation with the local community last year.
Included on the site are videos outlining the vision for the proposed campus, animated fly-throughs of what the facility may look like and interviews with teachers and pupils.
A face-to-face public meeting is scheduled to be held at Hawick High School on Monday 27 June between 2pm and 8pm to allow students and parents the opportunity to hear directly from the council officers directly involved in the project, view the plans in more detail and provide feedback on the designs.
Members of the public are encouraged to attend either of the meetings and comment on the updated designs available through the online consultation space.
Following the conclusion of the consultation, the comments received will be included within a report that will be submitted as part of the full planning application.