Application lodged for proposed new Thornhill housing and retail plans
Developers have applied to Stirling Council for planning permission in principle to deliver a new retail development and around 70 new homes in Thornhill.
About this development:
- Authority:Stirling
- Type:Commercial, Residential
- Applications:
- Team:Inverdunning (developer), Ark Architecture + Design (architect), Pegasus Consultancy (planning consultant)

Land north west of Burnside Works in Main Street has been earmarked in the application for employment, retail and residential use, including affordable housing.
Originally outlined in a community newsletter in August and then a pre-application consultation in October last year, the plans would see agricultural business JCC Group leave its current site at Burnside Works and move to a field opposite. The firm has said that the vacated site could be redeveloped for local retail and cafe use along with a business/employment area encouraging new jobs/apprenticeships.
The design team is led by Inverdunning with Pegasus planning consultants and Ark Architecture + Design.

In documents submitted with the application, agents for the developers said: “The application is being brought forward by Inverdunning (Thornhill) Ltd, in conjunction with JCC, the owner of the existing agricultural business on the application site who wish to invest further to expand their business and relocate to premises that will allow for future growth.
“The concept masterplan envisages a new public space at the road junction, northwest of the village Main Street, connecting the various existing path networks and providing a safe environment centred around a new retail and community hub.
“The provision of the hub at a key location on the entrance to the village from the west, with potential shopping, family restaurant and car parking facilities would benefit the village as a whole, whilst enhancing the visual aspect.”

The agents said the developers wanted to expand a successful existing agricultural business, relocating from a “constrained village site” to new premises on a greenfield site.
The agents added: “The proposals would be supported by additional employment land to allow for investment and new business opportunities within Thornhill along with a range of housing for local people and growing families.
“The existing business site would be redeveloped into local retail space and new public space whilst an existing building of local interest would be retained to allow for community use.
“The proposal would support £25m of new capital investment, £7.6m new injection into the regional construction sector, 134 net jobs, a GVA injection of £5.6m into the local economy, £240k per annum in new Council Tax receipts and £2.1m per annum in new retail spend. Overall, there will be a range of clear net economic benefits to the area.”