Argyll and Bute approves response to community benefit funds consultation

As part of the ongoing commitment to deliver a net zero Argyll and Bute, councillors have approved a response to a Scottish Government consultation on community benefit funds.
A community benefit fund is a voluntary fund established by a developer involved in renewable energy projects, most often in relation to commercial wind farms.
The funds are now used extensively across Scotland and provide an opportunity for local communities to benefit financially from renewable projects in their area.
There are currently more than 20 such schemes operating within Argyll and Bute, which provide more than £2.2 million to communities per annum. They are typically agreed between the developer and the local community with the council having limited involvement in the process.
Areas covered in the council’s submission include feedback on what could be done to maximise the impact of community benefits from offshore wind farms, how to assist communities and offshore wind developers in agreeing appropriate community benefits packages, and the potential of shared ownership opportunities for communities from offshore wind developments.
The Scottish Government launched the consultation in December to gather feedback on its Good Practice Principles guidance documents for the payment of community benefit in relation to both onshore and offshore net zero developments.
Councillor Jim Lynch, policy lead for economic development, islands and rural communities, housing, said: “The Scottish Government Good Practice Principles for onshore renewables were originally published in 2019 but technology - and Scotland’s energy mix - is constantly evolving, which is why the policies underlying the system are being reviewed.
“With a significant number of community benefit schemes operating in our region, we are well placed to offer informed feedback on how best to ensure that these schemes and renewable technologies as a whole can deliver the maximum benefit to local communities.”