Asbestos found in Aberdeenshire council homes

Work is being undertaken to remove asbestos from 160 council-owned homes in Aberdeenshire.
The substance was found as Aberdeenshire Council initiated a modernisation programme for the homes.
“Small amounts” of the substance were found in a total of 160 council properties.
The local authority issued a tender last week for companies to come forward and remove the substance.
A spokesman for Aberdeenshire Council said: “We are issuing a tender for the removal of small amounts of asbestos that were discovered during the modernisation of 160 council houses.
“The modernisation works have now been completed, and as a result, a tender can now be issued for the asbestos to be removed. The work is likely to take five months. The deadline for interested parties is Thursday, February 20.”
It is currently unknown how much the asbestos removal will cost the council or which homes are affected.