Ballater school affordable housing plans revised
Fresh plans by Grampian Housing Association to deliver affordable homes on the site of a former Deeside school have been lodged.
About this development:
- Authority:Cairngorms National Park
- Type:Residential
- Applications:
- Team:Robertson Group (contractor), Ian Rodger Architects (architect), Grampian Housing Association (developer)
The Association purchased this site with the desire to rejuvenate the C-listed Old School site in Ballater and provide 24 much-needed affordable homes.

Planning permission was granted on appeal in October 2018 however it was acknowledged that the shortfalls with regard to the utilisation of the existing site access points on School Lane, the main reason behind Cairngorms National Park Authority’s initial planning refusal, still remained.
The design team led by Ian Rodger Architects therefore explored the potential to take the site access from Abergeldie Road; and thus not have any vehicular access via School Lane.
The revised application has also seen the number of proposed housing units reduced by two.
Consent is also being sought from Aberdeenshire Council to build one additional house and 11 flats along with permanent car park access from Abergeldie Road, create temporary access for site traffic and make alterations to boundary walls.