Bellsmyre regeneration project shortlisted for two Planning Awards

Caledonia Housing Association’s regeneration programme which is providing 204 new build homes for Bellsmyre has been shortlisted for two of the Planning Awards 2023’s placemaking categories.
Designed by ECD Architects, the Bellsmyre regeneration project replaces the ageing residential blocks within Bellsmyre, which could not be upgraded to pass the upcoming Scottish Government EESSH standard, with 204 new build homes in a masterplan of terraced and semi-detached houses, flatted blocks and cottage flats.
Throughout the project, ECD has worked closely with Caledonia to establish the principles for the overall masterplan for the area, addressing many site constraints, particularly its steep gradients across the development area. A number of community consultation events have been held as well as design reviews with the Planning department and local councillors to ensure full integration of stakeholder comments.
The project has been nominated for the ‘Award for Best Housing Scheme (fewer than 500 homes)’ and the ‘Award for Regeneration’.
Andrew Kilpatrick, director of assets at Caledonia Housing Association has expressed his delight: “We’re very proud of the Bellsmyre development. It’s a major regeneration project in West Dunbartonshire and will deliver much-needed affordable, high-quality, energy efficient homes for families, which is what Caledonia’s mission is all about. That the Bellsmyre Regeneration project has been recognised for two categories at a UK level demonstrates the impact of this ambitious £40 million regeneration project in which ECD Architects have played a pivotal role.”
Commenting upon the recognition which the project is achieving, Dilveer Hoonjan, the project architect & Passivhaus designer at ECD Architects, said: “We are really excited by what Caledonia HA is achieving in Bellsmyre and how they have focused upon improving the current and future wellbeing of the residents as well as the quality of the local environment.”

Central to the layout of the scheme is an urban design strategy which creates smaller communities within which there are clearly defined private and communal spaces. These public green areas create high quality landscaped and amenity spaces for public use, and establish links between new and existing open spaces to expand and enhance the local green network. As such the new layout creates safer streets, useable outdoor public space, easy access for residents and better visual and physical links between Bellsmyre and the local nature sites, such as the Nature Conservation Area and Kilpatrick Hills.
The architecture of the new homes respects the existing context whilst creating a sense of place with a new identity which balances traditional Scottish architecture with contemporary design. Using simple tools such as gable end features, contemporary grey and red brick, deep window reveals and projecting brick details, ECD Architects have created homes which are modern, energy efficient and cost-effective to run.
The Planning Awards showcase the outstanding work across the planning and placemaking sectors and recognise excellence in planning and associated placemaking disciplines, including heritage conservation, urban design, economic development, partnership working, environmental consultancy, housing and law.
Winners of the awards will be announced at the Planning Awards ceremony on the 8th of June.