Block Nine Architects submits mixed-use plans for Portobello High Street

Block Nine Architects submits mixed-use plans for Portobello High Street

Proposals for 120-124 Portobello High Street

Block Nine Architects is seeking planning permission for a mixed-use residential and commercial development on Portobello High Street.

The owner of two adjoining retail units, both in a state of disuse and disrepair, approached the practice to investigate how this corner gap site could be redeveloped to create a building more suitable and fitting for the High Street setting, rather than the existing single storey units, described as having no architectural merit.

Block Nine Architects developed a brief to redevelop the site, creating a new mixed-use development consisting of a retail unit at ground floor level with 11 residential apartments above.

The practice said: “It was essential that this was to be designed in a sympathetic manner as the site is at the heart of the Portobello Conservation Area and is directly facing one of the town’s most prominent and recognisable landmarks, the B-Listed Portobello Police Station.”

The proposals comprise a mixture of one, two and three-bedroomed apartments across the 1st to 4th floors. At ground level, a large south facing retail unit occupies the High Street frontage, whilst a communal external amenity space is proposed to the rear of the site with access for all residents. There are also dedicated stores for bicycles along with ample space for suitable refuse and recycling facilities.

Block Nine Architects submits mixed-use plans for Portobello High Street

“Given this key central location on Portobello High Street, it was essential that the proposals were sympathetic to the character of the Conservation Area. As such the primary material for the front and side elevation is natural sandstone,” Block Nine said.

“The mansard roof is proposed to be clad in a standing seam anthracite zinc cladding, tying its form and colour with the existing slate roofscape of the neighbouring tenement properties. The windows along the Beach Lane elevation have been angled South towards the High Street to ensure that they do not directly overlook the Police Station.

“The fenestration design to the front elevation has been carefully considered so that the proposals tie in with the scale, proportion and rhythm of that to the adjacent High Street buildings. The prominent South West corner of the proposal has been intentionally cut back to preserve the view from the East along the High Street, to the corner of the Police Station clocktower.”

Block Nine Architects said its vision for the development is to deliver the project using sustainable methods of construction, design innovation, materials and renewable energy, without compromising function or aesthetic. The units are proposed to be heated by Air Source Heat Pump units located on the roof to reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

A sedum roof and attenuation tanks have also been incorporated within the proposals which will enhance the overall sustainability of the building, promote bio-diversity on the site and reduce reliance on the local drainage provision in periods of intense rainfall.

Another key tool which has helped inform the design was undertaking sun studies and overshadowing analysis of the proposed mass to ensure the proposals did not negatively impact on the surrounding building and private gardens. The aim of the redevelopment is to provide a variety of much needed high-quality housing in the Portobello area while also completing and enhancing the continuity of the High Street character in a sensitive, contemporary and sustainable manner.

The proposals are currently under determination for full Planning and Conservation Area consent. 

The consultancy team includes:

Architect: Block Nine Architects LTD
Project Manager: Bridge Consult LTD
Quantity Surveyor: Bridge Consult LTD
Structural Engineer: Harley Haddow
M & E Engineer: Horizon M&E Services Design
Planning Consultant: JLL

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