Brewster Bros scoops Scottish Environment Business Awards for innovative recycling approach
Livingston-based construction waste management and recycled aggregates company Brewster Bros has been named a winner at the Scottish Environment Business Awards for its work in recycling construction, excavation and demolition waste.

Scott Brewster MD with the Scottish Environment Business Award
Working with the construction sector since 2018, Brewster Bros has saved over 500,000 tonnes of construction, demolition and excavation waste from landfill. Using its state of the art facilities, it has created more than 400,000 tonnes of recycled products and prevented 12,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions (equivalents) from being created and leaked into the atmosphere. Overall, this has helped customers save over £1.3 million on landfill tax and £800,000 on the aggregates levy.
Brewster Bros has achieved this by investing £3.8m in one of the largest construction waste recycling plants in the UK at Pumpherston, West Lothian.
A VIBES finalist in 2019, the family business has continued to help its construction customers cut environmental footprints, while also improving its own internal environmental impact. This work has earned it a VIBES ‘Oustanding Achievement Award’ from a shortlist of 12 finalists, which highlights businesses with exceptional commitment to protecting the environment through sustainable business practices.
Managing director Scott Brewster said: “All of us at Brewster Bros are delighted to receive a VIBES Outstanding Achievements Award and in the last few weeks we have further improved our environmental performance by switching our fleet of trucks and mobile plant machinery to HVO fuel, reducing their emissions by up to an incredible 90%.
“We are also in the process of installing EV charging points in our carpark, swapping our company cars and vans for electric equivalents and installing solar panels to power our recycling plant on 100% renewable energy.
“Brewster Bros stood out because of our commitment to creating sustainable products and services to help clean up how the construction industry manages their resources, and also for our dedication to improving our own business practices, ensuring that they are as kind to the environment as possible.”
The VIBES Awards are delivered by a multi-agency judging panel selected from 35 businesses across the country and backed by key economic and business development agencies and leading environmental bodies including the Scottish Government, SEPA, Scottish Enterprise, NatureScot, Scottish Water, Zero Waste Scotland, South of Scotland Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and the Energy Saving Trust.
Terry A’Hearn, CEO of the Scottish Environment Protection Agency, and head of the VIBES judging panel said: “The eyes of the world will be on Scotland as global leaders gather to accelerate the actions required to address the enormous climate challenges we face.
“VIBES – Scottish Environment Business Awards, linked to SEPA’s ambitious ‘One Planet Prosperity’ strategy, recognise Scotland’s leading businesses who show a real commitment to sustainable goods, products and services through leadership, innovation and ambition.
“I would like to congratulate all the finalists who have shown Scotland can be at the forefront of finding sustainable solutions to take on the climate emergency.”
Gillian Bruce, VIBES chair, said: “It is important that we recognise those who are addressing the urgent environmental issues we face and are setting an example for others.”
Minister for just transition, employment and fair work, Richard Lochhead, added: “Scotland has always been famous for its innovation and pioneering spirit, and businesses and private sector organisations across the country now have a real opportunity to seize the economic opportunities that our journey to a net-zero economy presents – and indeed are already doing so.”