Building Briefs – November 11

Perth and Kinross delivers new council homes for Auchterarder

Perth & Kinross Council’s multi-million pound programme of social housing construction has taken another major step forward with the completion of a new development in Castlemains, Auchterarder.

The development consists of six new 2-bedroom homes and four 3-bedroom houses, providing much-needed affordable social housing for local people.

The properties have been built by Muir Homes and were handed over to Perth & Kinross Council four weeks ahead of schedule.

The Council has invested £1.24m in the development, underlining its commitment to increase the supply of high-quality social housing in the area.

The project is part of Perth & Kinross Council’s wider house building programme to provide more high-quality affordable social housing. Around 150 new homes have been delivered in the last three years through the programme, with properties constructed in Methven, Scone, Alyth, Inchture, Blairgowrie, and Perth. Many more are in the pipeline.

All the Council’s new homes are built with the latest energy saving specifications, to help cut the bills of tenants and reduce the carbon footprint of the Perth and Kinross area.


Cove Rangers submits new stadium plan

Cove Rangers have outlined plans for a 300-seat stand, synthetic pitch and car parking.

The club has lodged a proposal of application notice with Aberdeen City Council for the new ground stadium at Calder Park, Altens.

The facility, complete with floodlights and synthetic pitch, would also have room for 100 parking spaces.

The club was unable to confirm the total capacity of the new ground, but did make assurances the facility would comply with current SFA rules.

Club chairman Keith Moorhouse said the proposal is an important step forward for everyone i nvolved with the Highland League side.

Cove currently play their home matches at the grounds of four other north-east sides, Inverurie Locos, Formartine United, Banks O’Dee and Keith FC.

A new £30 million academy, which will replace Torry and Kincorth schools, has also been planned for the Calder Park site.


PAS seeks views on Planning Review

Community groups, development trusts and members of the public are being urged to sign up for a series of events being held by planning charity PAS, where they can give their views on how they think the Scottish Planning system should be reformed.

The events will take place in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Perth in central locations throughout November and will inform PAS’s submission to the review.

The overall review is being held by the Scottish Government as part of their programme for Government 2015- 2016 and aims to look at ways in which the planning system can deliver a quicker, more accessible and efficient planning process.

The Government also wants to hear views on how communities can become more engaged in the process, and is looking at how land and sites for more quality housing can be unlocked while continuing to protect and enhance Scotland’s nature and environment.

David Wood – PAS Planning and Policy Manager explains: “As an independent and impartial planning advice and education provider PAS is best placed to engage with the groups that use our services and find out how the system could be improved for them to inform our submission to the review.”

“We are aiming to collect as many views and suggestions as possible and would be delighted to hear from all groups, trusts, community councils or anybody who is involved or has an interest in the planning system and how it can be reformed.

“We are urging people to sign up come along to one of the events so that they can have a say in Scotland’ planning policy and how it is used for future generations. “

The events will take place on the following dates:

Monday 16 November Edinburgh: 6 – 7 30pm

Tuesday 17 November: Perth: 6 – 7 30pm

Wednesday 18 November: Glasgow: 6 – 7 30pm.


Dundee/Angus solar farm scheme gets green light

A five megawatt solar farm generating enough energy to power more than 1,000 homes has been given the green light on the Angus/Dundee border.

Developers overcame local concerns about the loss of prime farmland and scenic impact to secure unanimous approval for the farm of almost 21,000 panels less than 100 yards from the A90 dual carriageway.

The Green Power Consultants project will be sited some 200 metres north of Tealing village and involve 20,834 angled and non-reflective solar photovoltaic panels being positioned at 25 degrees in a north-south arrangement, 2.73 metres off the ground at their highest point.

More than 40 letters of representation were submitted in respect of the application – 17 in support and 25 raising objections.

The main points of concern centred on council policy, landscape and visual impact, road safety and the loss of prime agricultural land.

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