Building Briefs – November 17th

Steve McGhee, Principal of LMA with the team in their new strips
Steve McGhee, Principal of LMA with the team in their new strips

LMA nets football sponsorship deal

Prestwick CFC 2001’s boys club have netted new strips thanks to a new shirt sponsor.

LMA Architects and Planning Consultants have provided a new set of strips for the team and continue their association with the club which they have supported since the team was founded over 7 years ago.


Bid received to demolish Glasgow’s Buchanan Street steps

Plans for the demolition of the steps leading to Glasgow’s Royal Concert Hall have been officially lodged with Glasgow City Council.

A decision is due in early 2015 with approval for the demolition expected to be granted.

If so, the new atrium would be in place by the end of 2016.

It is part of a £400 million expansion plan for Buchanan Galleries, which would see the centre become home to more than 100 shops, a cinema and 25 restaurants.

The submission comes on the heels of a campaign to save the steps. A petition had secured more than 11,000 signatures just a fortnight after it was launched.

Although the steps are barely 20 years old and not a listed structure, permission is required from the local authority to pull them down as they are located within the Glasgow Central Conservation Area.


Hotel could see Aberdeen’s Hazlehead Park ‘a jewel’ once again

A £50 million five-star hotel and country club development proposed for Aberdeen could restore Hazlehead Park as a “jewel” among the city’s visitor attractions, councillors have been told.

Backers of the ambitious plans for the greenbelt site said the complex would provide a boost to tourism and meet a demand for high-end accommodation caused by the impending closure of the Marcliffe at Pitfodels.

A pre-determination hearing was held at the council chambers last week in advance of a decision on the application, which is considered a departure from the city’s local development plan.

Graham Stuart, from BMJ Architects, and John Robertson, from Hyder Consulting, fielded questions from elected members along with council roads and planning officials.

Concerns were raised about access to the site, and the work required to bring a dilapidated local roads network within the park up to scratch.

Increased traffic was chief among the concerns from local residents, although the council only received 19 letters of representation.


Plans submitted for new gym in St Andrews

Plans have been submitted for a new gym in St Andrews.

St Andrew's United new gym

Fife Architects designed the proposed development on behalf of local football team St Andrews United.


New homes plan for Angus village

An Angus village could swell by up to 49 homes if a new application for housing is approved.

Developers have submitted plans for the former railway field in Inverkeilor, off the A92 carriageway between Montrose and Arbroath.

Jonathan Reeve for agents the Voigt Partnership has put forward a proposal to Angus Council on behalf of James Keiller Investments of Dundee.

And the application has already been the subject of “numerous meetings” with planners between January and April.

To comply with affordable housing provision quotas of 20 per cent for the Arbroath area, 10 affordable plots are proposed throughout the site.

Connections would be from the northwest corner to Main Street, and near the village hall to the east, allowing for a route to the village school.

A “heavy buffer zone” will screen the development from the railway line and nearby classic car repair shop.

The application should be determined by January 10.


Community views sought on the future development of Campbeltown Museum

Argyll and Bute Council wants to hear the views of the Campbeltown and Kintyre communities on the development of Campbeltown Museum in its iconic building on Hall Street.

The doors will be thrown open to everyone who has a view, ideas or is keen to discuss or simply listen. Everyone is welcome – regular museum visitors and those who may never have stepped through the door before.

The aim is to discuss the development potential of the museum including future displays and interpretations, access and ways in which the Friends of Campbeltown Museum can continue their valuable support.

The public consultation will take place on Wednesday 26 November from 7.30 – 9pm.


Stewart Milne Timber Systems targets fresh growth south of the border

David Woods
David Woods

Stewart Milne Timber Systems has announced a new appointment to support client demand and growth in the south east of England.

The move comes as the company sees orders increase by more than 70 per cent across the UK in the last year.

David Woods joins as business development manager, having joined the business from Taylor Lane, where he had a similar role.

David brings 17 years of experience in sales including eight in the timber frame sector. In his previous role he spent six years as design co-ordinator giving him a valuable insight into timber systems from the initial idea through to construction.


Kingdom Housing Association consults on new Cupar affordable housing development

Kingdom Housing Association has applied for planning permission in principle for an affordable housing development at Pitscottie Road in Cupar, to the east of Tarvit Drive.

The proposal is for no more than 49 affordable homes at this site on the eastern edge of the town.

Subject to planning approval, and final confirmation of funding, building is scheduled to start in 2016 with completion the following year.

Kingdom is also in discussions with The Vivarium Trust, a locally-based charitable group which seeks to promote co-housing, regarding whether such an element can be incorporated into the project.

In the run-up to lodging the application, Kingdom and Vivarium met with Cupar Community Council to discuss the project, and are carrying out a public consultation exercise locally.

They will now hold a public drop-in event at Cupar Corn Exchange on Tuesday 25 November from 3pm to 7pm to which all neighbours and other interested parties are invited.


Ayrshire roofing firm backs The AQ Trust

DSC_0365The Amsterdam or Bust Cycle team boosted their charity funds thanks to a generous donation from Dennis Clancy & Sons Ltd, an Ayrshire roofing and building maintenance company.

The eight-strong cycle team, which included five Irvine Housing Association employees, completed their challenge of cycling from London to Amsterdam over 3 days to raise funds for Ayrshire charity The AQ Trust in August 2014.

The Trust, established by Janice Quinn, her family and staff at Irvine Housing Association, helps people in North Ayrshire experiencing crisis situations related to their housing.

George Clancy, a partner at Dennis Clancy and Sons Ltd, presented Amsterdam or Bust cyclist Mark Abrahart with the £250 cheque on Thursday 06 November 2014.

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