Building Briefs – October 13th

Port Edgar Marina Firth-of-ForthForth Road Bridge back in business with phased opening

The Forth Road Bridge partially reopened today to carry scheduled public buses.

Since the new Queensferry Crossing officially opened, the Forth Road Bridge has been closed to complete the necessary roadworks to allow it to be used as a public transport corridor.

This work is now nearing completion with scheduled public buses being able to use the Forth Road Bridge from today.

Initially a contraflow arrangement will be in place for the first weeks of operation. This is the first important stage of commissioning the public transport corridor, with other buses, taxis and motorcycles, to follow in the coming weeks. For now, other buses and all taxis and motorcycles will continue to use the Queensferry Crossing.

The speed limit on the Queensferry Crossing is currently 40 mph and it’s expected this will be lifted to 50 mph in the coming weeks, with full motorway regulations coming into force later in the year. Once the new bridge is a fully operational motorway the speed limit will be 70 mph, apart from when the variable mandatory speed limit is in place, as dictated by the Intelligent Transport System.

Traffic Scotland, Amey and Transport Scotland continue to monitor the performance of the new bridge, surrounding roads and adjoining junctions.


Emtec completes work at 112 Ingram Street

Emtec Ingram StEmtec Core & Protect has completed all Structural Fire Protection and Fire Stopping works at 112 Ingram Street, Glasgow, for ISG Construction.

This unique Fire Protection project involved upgrading the building’s original cast iron beams and columns to achieve a 120 minute fire rating. This was achieved by extensively grit blasting the cast iron to remove all existing paint coatings and to create a Sa 2 ½ surface profile, before applying a specialist surface tolerant primer, Nullifire 801 intumescent basecoat, and a final custom tinted top seal.

The result is a cast iron structure, dating back to 1898, which is fully fire protected in line with modern building regulations. The custom tinted top seal provides an aged effect in keeping with the building’s listed status.

Core & Protect also used Diamond Drilling and Sawing techniques to create service penetrations throughout the 7 storey building, before fire stopping all voids using Rockwool Ablative Coated Batt, Intumescent Mastic, Fire Collars and Fire Tubes.


Construction starts on new £9m Orkney care home

Work has started on a £9 million care home development in the Orkney Islands.

Orkney Builders (Contractors) Ltd is building a new 40-bed care home at Garson to replace the current 32-bed St Peter’s House facility.

The two-year project is scheduled for completion in 2019.


Five year Scottish Borders housing plan to be considered by councillors

Scottish Borders Council is to consider a new five-year housing plan for the area next week which could see as many as 1,177 affordable homes delivered.

The Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) identifies how local housing needs and priorities will be addressed, including which housing projects are anticipated to be delivered over the five years to 2023.

The figure of 1,177 is based on assumed funding amounts and that all land and infrastructure challenges are resolved in a timely manner and the construction sector has capacity to deliver projects.

It is anticipated that the large majority of the homes would be delivered by local registered social landlords.


ACHA opens first new build homes on the Island of Coll

Councillor Robin Currie officially opening ACHA’s new homes accompanied by Douglas Prophet, the Association’s vice-chair, Alastair MacGregor, chief executive, and new tenants Randolph Anderson and Darran Jamieson
Councillor Robin Currie officially opening ACHA’s new homes accompanied by Douglas Prophet, the Association’s vice-chair, Alastair MacGregor, chief executive, and new tenants Randolph Anderson and Darran Jamieson

Argyll Community Housing Association (ACHA) has officially opened its first new build homes on the Island of Coll.

The two unit development comprises of a two and three bedroom family accommodation. The new homes will complement the 9 existing ACHA properties on the island which were built in the 1960s.

The development was built by MacLeod Construction of Lochgilphead with funding from Scottish Government, Argyll and Bute Council and ACHA to an overall project value of £505,000.

The official opening was carried out by Councillor Robin Currie, policy lead for communities, housing, islands and Gaelic, at Argyll and Bute Council.


Facelift to pave way for cheaper bills for residents in South Ayrshire village

(from left) Chris Carroll (SAC); Liz Marquis (Energy Agency); Councillor Arthur Spurling; Councillor Julie Dettbarn; Councillor Philip Saxton (portfolio holder for housing and customer services) and Andrew Filby (Energy Agency) on James Street in Tarbolton
(from left) Chris Carroll (SAC); Liz Marquis (Energy Agency); Councillor Arthur Spurling; Councillor Julie Dettbarn; Councillor Philip Saxton (portfolio holder for housing and customer services) and Andrew Filby (Energy Agency) on James Street in Tarbolton

Major energy efficiency works to be carried out on a number of poorly insulated properties in a South Ayrshire village is set to drive down heating bills for tenants and owners alike.

South Ayrshire Council is taking forward a £216,000 project to transform 34 homes in Tarbolton as part of a wider programme to deliver energy efficient homes.

The properties in Sandgate and James Street in Tarbolton will benefit from the installation of external wall insulation. The council has written to all tenants and owners to explain how work will progress, with the project designed to meet strict building and safety standards.

Tenants and owners will benefit from greater insulation at no personal cost, with savings of £200 per year expected to be delivered through improved energy efficiency.

The council recently completed similar work at 300 properties in Wallacetoun, Ayr; Woodpark in Prestwick; and at Troon Harbour, as part of a wider £5 million investment. The energy efficiency improvements are being funded by South Ayrshire Council and the Home Energy Efficiency Programme for Scotland (HEEPS), and in partnership with the Energy Agency.


Manor Estates extends gas servicing partnership

Craig Somerville, Steve Buckler and Graeme Russell sign the new gas servicing contract at Manor Estates headquarters
Craig Somerville, Steve Buckler and Graeme Russell sign the new gas servicing contract at Manor Estates headquarters

Manor Estates Housing Association has announced the continuation of its partnership with Lothian Gas to maintain, service and upgrade as required, gas central heating systems in its tenants’ homes for the next five years.

Procured via Public Contracts Scotland and facilitated by Craig Somerville of Assured Management Group, the new contract will ensure continuity of a high quality service, and Lothian Gas committing itself to help tenants better understand and use their heating systems.


Shire Housing Association and Mitie lend support to local primary school

Shire Housing Association has continued to demonstrate its commitment to supporting local communities by donating waterproofs to a local primary school.

Working in partnership with repairs contractor Mitie, the Association jointly purchased 31 sets of waterproof jackets and trousers to allow local school children from Netherthird Primary School to use the Netherthird Community Garden even in the worst of Ayrshire rain.

Shire Housing Association is celebrating its 20th Anniversary this year and the school children helped mark this occasion by releasing balloons. The balloons contained an invitation to contact the Association with the furthest travelled balloon winning a prize.

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