Building Briefs – September 15th

New College Lanarkshire and AmeyNew College Lanarkshire and Amey put young people on road to success

A group of young people are taking their first steps on the road to success through a winning partnership between New College Lanarkshire and Amey.

The training programme, entitled Entry to Work with Amey, is preparing another 10 trainees for the jobs market through a mix of employability skills and practical work experience.

They are following in the footsteps of William Smith, 19, from Motherwell, who earned the coveted title of Lanarkshire Apprentice of the Year 2016 after completing the same course.

The trainees had six weeks of tailored classroom-based study at the Motherwell Campus of New College Lanarkshire. They are currently nearing the end of a seven-week-long assessed work placement with Amey.

Work placements could be in Amey’s social housing, roads, railways, waste disposal or administration teams.

This is the third course of its kind to be operated between the College and Amey since its inception as a pilot programme in January 2015.


Councillors approve loan for Clydebank trampolining centre

A trampolining centre for Clydebank is to receive £100,000 in funding after councillors approved a business loan.

West Dunbartonshire-based company RMS Leisure is planning to take on a vacant unit at Clydebank Business Park to start the enterprise, which could create up to 40 jobs.

Members of West Dunbartonshire Council’s infrastructure, regeneration and economic development committee unanimously agreed to approve a loan for Airzone – which the new business is to be called – through the West of Scotland Loan Fund (WSLF).

RMS Leisure said the building could be open early next year.


Work continues on £500m M8/M73/M74 improvement project

Scottish Roads Partnership (SRP) will today begin removing a temporary ‘T’ junction linking to North Road in Bellshill (B7070) from the A725 as part of the £500 million M8/M73/M74 Motorway Improvements project.

The six-week scheme will connect the existing North Road with the realigned A725. The temporary ‘T’ junction has allowed North Road to remain open over the last eight months while the new North Road Bridge and approach roads to the upgraded Shawhead Junction were built.

The new bridge has entered the final phase of construction and is scheduled to open at the end of October. During these works, signed diversions will be in place for motorists.


Council Tax reform legislation to tackle empty second homes moves forward

Legislation to remove the automatic Council Tax discount for second homes has been laid in Parliament, paving the way for further reforms due to take effect from April 2017.

Finance secretary Derek Mackay said the change will give councils the option of offering no discount for second homes, arming them with another lever to encourage better use of housing stock in their areas.

If all councils were to remove discounts they could generate up to £3 million of additional revenue across the country.

The SSI is available here.


Home owners urged to take advantage of improved North Lanarkshire repairs and maintenance scheme

scheme-of-assist_cropNorth Lanarkshire Council has altered its repairs and maintenance (R&M) scheme to encourage owners to take part in the initiative.

The Scheme of Assistance has been operating for a number of years and helps property owners carry out necessary works to their properties.

The latest change to the initiative include increasing the maximum level of eligible works costs from £20,000 to £30,000 where properties are below tolerable standard or are in serious disrepair and also further encouraging owners in blocks of flats to agree to common maintenance by extending eligibility for a contribution of up to £500. The guideline currently requires eight properties or more to exist within the block.

The revamped scheme also removes a grant condition requiring a factoring arrangement to be in place for blocks of six or more flats, as some owners are self-factoring and attempting to organise essential common works.


South Ayrshire Cycleway improvements

A minor improvements project is to begin on a cycleway in South Ayrshire.

The Ayrshire Roads Alliance (ARA) will start making alterations to the cycleway scheme on Holmston Road later this month.

Features include improving road markings at Overmills Road junction, dropping kerbs and signage, relocating parking bays and erecting new signs.

The works, which are being carried out as a result of an independent audit, will be completed by Friday, 30 September.


Hawick 3G pitch update

Construction work on Hawick’s new 3G pitch ramps up this month as the £1 million facility moves closer to completion.

Contractors Malcolm Construction– have brought in a new paving machine this week to put in place the layers required below the 3G pitch at Volunteer Park.

The firm will then lay the rubber shock pad and artificial surface itself.

Work will also be carried out in Volunteer Park car park to provide an improved entrance road and new footways, as well as a temporary flood bund which will help to protect Buccleuch Road until the proposed Hawick Flood Protection Scheme is confirmed.

In order for these works to go ahead, a small number of trees will be felled alongside the A7 road and car park. However, significant landscape improvements in this area are included in the Hawick Flood Protection Scheme, with the proposal to plant two trees for every one lost as part of the project.

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