Building Briefs – September 17th
Brunton Design has been granted planning approval for a new showroom for Carnoustie-based Augustus Autos.
The design features a simple portal frame clad with standing seam metal sheets with large glass panes and a breis soleil. After positive discussions with the planning department, they agreed to support a design that had the physical appearance of an agricultural farm building in the countryside, albeit it is to accommodate a sales area for high spec motor cars.
Work is due to commence early 2019.
Major Edinburgh placemaking consultation
Members of the public are being invited to have their say in a major new consultation about how people want the heart of Scotland’s capital to look, feel and function.
From today, the eight-week consultation on the City of Edinburgh Council’s Consultation Hub will bring together three linked placemaking projects being led by the council and supported by numerous partner organisations.
Responses and suggestions will be sought on: the Edinburgh City Centre Transformation, the City Mobility Plan (successor to the current Local Transport Strategy) and plans for Low Emission Zones in the capital.
The consultation, entitled “Edinburgh: connecting our city, transforming our places”, centres on a prospectus which has been developed following extensive engagement with stakeholders between February and May 2018. Ideas and proposals contained within it have come directly from public feedback.
The prospectus sets out ideas to create a more active and connected city, a healthier environment, a transformed Edinburgh city centre, and improved neighbourhood streets.
Among the ideas up for consideration are pedestrianised streets, restrictions on ‘through’ traffic, bus and freight ‘hubs’, widened pavements and improved public spaces.
Consultation on Campbeltown flood risk management designs launched
A consultation event has been launched on the proposed flood risk management designs in Campbeltown.
A number of design options were identified to minimise the risk of flooding in the town following a public consultation in February 2018.
The preferred design proposals have now been developed and the views of Campbeltown residents are being sought at a public consultation event on Thursday 04 October, from 5pm until 9pm, in the Town Hall, Campbeltown.
This is a drop in event, with a presentation of the preferred scheme proposals taking place from 6.30pm until 7.30pm.
Cruden gives back to the local community
Cruden Building has donated £500 to St Blane’s Primary School in Blantyre as part of their commitment to investing in the local community.
The Glasgow based firm are currently building 20 new family homes on the site of the former St. Blane’s School. The properties are a mixture two, three and four-bedroom semi-detached houses and one and two-bedroom cottage flats. All dwellings are designed to meet the latest standards in energy efficiency and are due to be completed by February 2019.
Throughout the St Blane’s project and current South Lanarkshire Council projects, Cruden is providing employment opportunities to local people and five local apprentices are working at this development, as they train to become bricklayers, joiners and plumbers. Cruden are also creating a number of work placements, as well as modern apprenticeship and training opportunities for young people, reinforcing their commitment to nurture Scotland’s young talent within the construction industry.
In addition to St Blane’s, Cruden are developing five sites throughout South Lanarkshire, building 118 new homes in the Hamilton, East Kilbride and Clydesdale areas.