Cala Home’s Linlithgow Spooky Lane raises £2,300 for primary school

Photo: Colin Hattersley
Families in Linlithgow have faced their fears and braved ghosts, ghouls and monsters to raise funds for a local primary school.
Parents and volunteers from Linlithgow Primary School transformed Shoemakers Lane into terrifying trail of cobwebs, skeletons and mystical creatures for the town’s annual Spooky Lane on Saturday 28 October, 2023.
Sponsored by homebuilders Cala Homes (East), the family-friendly Halloween trail and disco raised £2,318.73 for the school community.
Marianne Craig, parent and Linlithgow Spooky Lane organiser, said: “This year’s Spooky Lane was huge success, raising an incredible amount of money for Linlithgow Primary School.

Colin Hattersley
“After putting it to a vote, the parent, teachers and pupils have decided the money will go towards class trips and enhancing the overall experience of pupils at the primary school. Without Cala’s support, the Spooky Lane wouldn’t be the success it is. Their funding has enabled us to buy lights, upgrade decorations and include refreshments the night.
“The feedback from everyone involved was wonderful, from our fantastic volunteers to the brave families that took on the trail. It really is events like this which make Linlithgow a great place to live.”
Phillip Hogg, sales and marketing director for Cala Homes (East), added: “We love to be able to help and support the communities in which we build, so we were delighted to once again lend a helping hand to the Linlithgow Spooky Lane.
“Last year, our donation meant every child at Linlithgow Primary School could attend, and this year we were thrilled to fund brand-new decorations and lighting to ensure everyone coming along could enjoy the event in a safe, fun way.”
Providing sponsorship to the Linlithgow Spooky Lane is one of the key elements of Cala’s brand-new Preston Glade Community Pledge - a bespoke package of activities designed to address the needs of the area in a meaningful way.