Cathcart community views sought for new housing development

Cala Homes (West) is due to host its second phase of community consultation events for its new site in Cathcart.
Two sessions are being held to provide local residents and community members with an opportunity to review amendments made in line with feedback provided at previous sessions, ask questions and view proposed plans and designs for the new site at Inverlair Avenue.
The sessions will be held on Wednesday 01 March between 6pm and 8pm and Saturday 04 March between 10am and 2pm. Both will take place in the gym hall at Celeros Flow Technology’s office at 149 Newlands Road.
Moray Stewart, land director at Cala Homes, said: “We have reviewed the feedback provided from local residents and community at our previous events and incorporated changes – where possible – to the design of the new Cathcart site.
“The two community consultation events due to take place in March will showcase our response and present a final design and layout scheme that we would be proposing to take to the planning committee.
“I would encourage the local community to attend the events to learn about the changes incorporated, to meet the development team and to understand the vision for this brownfield site.
“We want to bring a collection of high-quality homes to an existing and established neighbourhood in Glasgow and as such we want to share our vision of the site to showcase to the community how the development will enhance and complement the area.”
A formal planning application for around 275 new high quality sustainable apartments is expected to be submitted in Spring 2023. If the planning application is successful, Cala will complete the purchase of the site, with the intention to start building by Winter 2023.
Find out more here.