Cevo digital: Powering concrete performance

Cevo digital - science and AI technology in concrete.

Wireless, embeddable sensors monitor Realtime concrete strength and temperature. Giving you complete control of your concrete programme.

ConcreteDNA: optimises concrete performance onsite to improve quality, efficiency and sustainability.   
LogisticsDNA: tracks the location and status of precast elements from manufacture to installation, to optimise the logistics flow in prefab.  
StructureDNA: measures structural behaviour to optimise quality, speed and whole life performance.

Today, with CEVO digital you can build up to 30% faster, access smart performance data and reduce carbon by optimising concrete solutions.   
Powering and new generation of concrete installation.  
Cevo digital. Concrete evolution powered by Converge.

Cevo. A concrete evolution 
Specification made simple – carbon foot printing tool 

Cevo digital: Powering concrete performance

The concrete carbon tool provides carbon footprints, created to PAS 2050 methodology, using Tarmac average data, benchmarked against the Green Construction Board LCCG benchmark. 
3 easy steps. 

  1. Select the grade and classification of your concrete. 
  2. View your rating, m3 carbon and total carbon footprint
  3. Generate your carbon savings certificate

Join us. A low carbon concrete evolution

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Cevo digital: Powering concrete performance

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