CITB Consensus moved to March 2025

Tim Balcon
The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) has today unveiled new dates for its Consensus process with the procedure now starting on 17 March 2025 and continuing until 9 May.
The five-week move allows for the publication of the ITB review – now anticipated in early 2025 – to enable CITB to give due consideration to the review’s recommendations.
Although the ITB review does not directly impact on the Levy Proposals or Consensus, CITB wants to ensure alignment with the review’s outcomes within its upcoming 2025-29 Strategic Plan. Consequently, publication of the Strategic Plan will follow publication of the ITB review.
Usually undertaken every three years, Consensus is the process through which CITB seeks Levy-paying employers’ views and agreement on its plans for generating the Levy and the skills and training this will deliver to the industry. CITB’s core focus for the 2026-29 draft Levy Proposals being consulted on is to ensure that the Levy exemption and reduction thresholds remain current and appropriate.
During Consensus, CITB consults at least 11,000 Levy paying employers. In March 2019, nearly 30,000 employers were liable to pay a Levy.
Tim Balcon, Chief Executive of CITB, said: “We believe it’s important that, as a body that is led and accountable to industry, we give employers a full picture of how we intend to support the industry over the life of the Strategic Plan and accompanying Levy Order.
“The publication date of the ITB review is not yet confirmed by the Department for Education (DfE), meaning we cannot yet confirm the publication date of CITB’s Strategic Plan. Consequently, we have revised the start date of Consensus to ensure employers are well informed going into the Consensus process.”