City Building gives ASN pupils tools to thrive

Glasgow-based construction firm City Building has created a near £3,000 fund, allowing school pupils completing SVQ programmes at the firm’s Royal Strathclyde Blindcraft Industries (RSBi) factory to receive hot breakfast rolls amid the cost-of-living crisis.
As part of the scheme, pupils from local additional support learning schools across Glasgow who are gaining invaluable work experience whilst also completing SVQ Levels One and Two in Furniture Manufacturing at City Building’s RSBi factory, will now receive a free breakfast roll or snack during their morning break.
A hot breakfast roll from the factory’s canteen is seen as a quintessential part of staff’s morning break routine, however, it was noticed by charge hands on site that visiting pupils where often unable to enjoy one themselves.
Wanting to ensure the pupils got the full working experience and were set up with a good breakfast to support their learning, members of the RSBi factory often paid out of pocket for morning rolls or other snacks for the pupils, before raising the issue with City Building’s Board.
Alan Burns, executive director of City Building, said: “We want all students completing SVQ level work to feel like the included, valued and supported members of the team that they are. Being able to join in with older, more experienced members of the staff during morning break and ensuring they all have a decent meal to set them up for the day is important to guaranteeing that pupils receive the best possible experience at City Building.
“Diversity and inclusion are the core pillars of RSBi’s success, ensuring that everyone has the appropriate tools and opportunities to thrive within the factory, regardless of background or situation, and this fund only proves that these values are embedded at the factory and it’s staff’s core.”
Royal Strathclyde Blindcraft Industries (RSBi), City Building’s manufacturing division, is Europe’s largest supported employer and one of the UK’s most successful social enterprises. more than half of RSBi’s 250 staff have a disability. The workforce includes people with sight and hearing loss, wheelchair users, veterans with PTSD and individuals with additional learning needs.
Funding for the project comes from City Building’s annual charity corporate golf competition, held in partnership with the firm’s suppliers and stakeholders. The 2022 event raised £24 thousand, which has gone out to support various community causes, including supplying the current S1 cohort at Springburn Academy and St. Roch’s Secondary school with stationary packs.