Construction leads and tenders - January 31st


Applicant: Garthdee Properties Ltd

Planning Authority: Aberdeen

Details: Major development for approx. 500 student accommodation units with associated uses

Location: Land west of Robert Gordon University Campus, Garthdee Road, Aberdeen

Agent: Manson Architects, Hawthorn Rise, 10 Belford Road, Edinburgh


Applicant: M1 RE Glasgow Limited

Planning Authority: Glasgow

Details: Internal and external alterations to listed building

Location: Site at 78 - 82 Oswald Street/265 - 267 Argyle Street, Glasgow

Agent: Peter Drummond, 60 Bank Street, Glasgow



Applicant: Drumrossie Land Development Company Ltd.

Planning Authority: Aberdeen

Details: Former boilermakers building to be converted into 4 number flats on three levels, external walls and roof to be retained with new structure of flats dropped into shell. Basement to be filled. Two storey extension is proposed to accommodate 2 No self-contained flats

Location: Former Boilermakers Building King Street Aberdeen

Agent: Michael Gilmour Associates, 22 Rubislaw Terrace, Aberdeen



Contract Authority: Fife Council

Details: Supply and Install Bollards to Car Park Spaces, Forth House, Burnside Business Court

Location: Glenrothes

Contact: Robin Simpson 03451555555

Publication Date: 27/01/2017


Contract Authority: Fife Council

Details: Front; Door and Screen (full portcullis style).

Rear; Door (full portcullis style).

Door Entry System; Disconnect existing door entry system. Connect new magnets to system. A new emergency services drop leaf switches to be installed at rear door. New internal push to exit button for front and rear doors. Re-connect door entry system following installation.

Location: Buckhaven

Contact: Harry Anderson 03451555555

Publication Date: 27/01/2017

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